thanks for the thanks!
One of my roommates from last year, Matt, still has one year left at the College (of William and Mary). He works for the phonathon and calls people to try to get them to donate to the College. Apparently, since I "donated" to our senior class gift, I was on a list of people to thank. Now I didn't actually give money to the class gift outright. I bought a W&M beach towel, which my class officers were selling in order to persuade people to give, because, well, it isn't easy to persuade college students to voluntarily give money back to their school when they're about to graduate. I don't know, something about how tuition was really really expensive.
I'm on vacation in South Carolina with my family right now so I didn't get the privelege of receiving Matt's call. I learned that he did this by email. Now which it more ridiculous: 1) that I was thanked for donating $8 to our senior class gift when I was really buying a beach towel OR 2) that Matt doesn't know how to spell my name correctly after living with me for an entire year? It's Bennett with two T's. I don't really care, but I just found it funny. It's also funny out of all 5 of the other roommates you were the first one I happened to bring up in the blog. That's staying power Wetty.