Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Homestay Pictures

Here are some photos from my homestay experience in Gyeryong. The first one is me with my first host family at a temple in Gyeryong-san, a famous mountain in Korea. I swear they were happy to be there with me.

Saw Yong and Chun Yong actually looking happy.

My permanent homestay family and I at a cultural musuem on the monday of the Chusok holiday weekend, minus my homestay sister. She studied all day. She's only in the first grade of middle school, and the midterm she wanted to study for wasn't for another 3 weeks. That's just a small example of how intense education is in Korea, and why I'm really happy I didn't grow up having to go to Korean schools. From L - R: my host brother Ji Hyun, me, host mom, and host father

The two cousins, Ji Hee and Ji Hay looking cute as ever during Chusok

Cousin always looking cute

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