Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New semester new attitude

I just got back to my homestay Monday night. I have to start teaching tomorrow. I'm feeling kind of indifferent to start teaching again. My coteacher is sometimes hard to get along with, and because I feel like most of us are in a teaching situation where we can't be very effective. I spent February in Seoul, and I loved it. Mainly because it's not like Gyeryong. Seoul is big, and has people my age. It would be great to keep living in Seoul studying Korean... but unfortunately that's not what I'm here to do.

After talking with Annie though, we decided this semester is going to be much better than last semester. We know what to expect - not knowing what goes on at school, being ready for last minute changes that could easily have been explained to us in advance, and not being understood by many students. I'm going to try to change my lesson plans so that each class has a routine and hopefully interests the students more by continuing a story of my college roommate Gammby every week. The weather will get warmer as the semester goes on instead of colder. I'm eagerly awaiting cherry blossoms, playing basketball outside, tracksuit day, and not being kind of stuck in my homestay during the week.

This time around, we know the framework in which we're here... so basically we have 120 days left to rock and roll Korean style.

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