Saturday, October 22, 2005

Some tidbits about everyday life

Tomorrow is my friend Amal's birthday! So happy birthday Amal. In her honor, I'm going to try to write this post in her style. (Let me know I do)

Dear friends,

Maybe you're curious about my everyday life. Maybe you're not. Here are some random observations about my life in Korea:

1. American Chinese food = Americanized. Korean Chinese food = Koreanized. Oh how I miss real Chinese food...

2. My host mom does my laundry, cleans the bathroom, and cooks for me. I'm not complaining.

3. But she won't let me do anything to help out. She even REMAKES my bed everyday! Come on I'm 22!

4. My host brother has the hardest time getting up in the morning. It takes 15 minutes of host mom yelling to get him up. He has to be at school in 20 minutes? Doesn't matter.

5. I teach a lot of kids (931!) so many so that last week I taught two classes for only the third time yet this semester due to scheduling conflicts. Do you think they missed me? I got a standing ovation when I walked in.

6. I finally was able to put MP3s on my cell phone. After a month and a half. It's still in Korean. Oh, joy.

7. It was my grandmother's 85th birthday yesterday! You go Grandma!

8. Next week my school has their annual festival. No class on Tuesday and Wednesday (or Friday). I will be doing the Napoleon Dynamite dance for the school (and the teachers and parents). Lovely.

That is all.

Love, Ben

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hey Ben, good post. Guess what- I have a blog too!
Hope to see you again soon,